Courage...Chronicled in the Sand

Sand Tray Therapy Reflections from Teenagers and Young Adults Facing Cancer and Blood Disorders

Edited by Jennifer Gretzema

Subjects: Medical, Oncology
Paperback : 9781607854135, 127 pages, 6 x 9, December 2017
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It is often difficult for young people facing an illness to verbalize their personal thoughts and feelings.  In the Child and Family Life department, at The University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital, sand tray therapy is used to help this vulnerable population communicate with their healthcare team, families, and loved ones. Sand tray therapy is a window into the thoughts, feelings, and coping styles of youth struggling with life-altering illnesses and hospitalizations. It helps them process their past and present medical experiences, set goals, and teach others about their needs.
The sand trays and stories in this book were created by patients and families living with Cancer and Blood Disorders. Their expressions, created in the sand and conveyed through the written word, provide insight into their world. Sand tray therapy provides a sacred space to process experiences using symbols instead of language.
This collection of photos and personal stories was compiled so that other patients, their families, and their friends can share the authors’ journeys.