
Absinthe: World Literature in Translation is a literary magazine that emphasizes publishing works previously untranslated to English. We publish fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction. Owned and operated by the Department of Comparative Literature at the University of Michigan, and founded by Dwayne D. Hayes in Farmington Hills, MI, Absinthe has been publishing works in translation since 2003.


In 2014, Absinthe was relocated to the University of Michigan’s Department of Comparative Literature, where the journal expanded its reach from European literature to world literature. Published biannually in print and digital forms, Absinthe is edited by graduate students in the Department of Comparative Literature, as well as by occasional guest editors. Most of our issues focus on specific themes with an emphasis on transnational approaches. We prioritize contemporary works of fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction. Absinthe does not publish scholarly articles nor does it accept unsolicited submissions.

Visit the Absinthe website for the current issue and available back issues.. 

For contact details and submissions info, please see https://journals.publishing.umich.edu/absinthe/site/contact.