Introduction to Probability for Data Science

Subjects: Computers, Data Processing
Open Access : 9781607857471, 704 pages, color illustrations, 7 x 10, November 2021
Hardcover : 9781607857464, 704 pages, color illustrations, 7 x 10, November 2021
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[from the Preface] This introductory textbook in undergraduate probability emphasizes the inseparability between data (computing) and probability (theory) in our time. It examines the motivationintuition, and implication of the probabilistic tools used in science and engineering:

  1. Motivation: In the ocean of mathematical definitions, theorems, and equations, why should we spend our time on this particular topic but not another?
  2. Intuition: When going through the deviations, is there a geometric interpretation or physics beyond those equations?
  3. Implication: After we have learned a topic, what new problems can we solve?

Stanley H. Chan is an associate professor of electrical and computer engineering, and an associate professor of statistics, at Purdue University, West Lafayette. His research areas include computational photography, image processing, and machine learning. At Purdue, he teaches undergraduates probability and graduates machine learning. He is a recipient of Purdue University College of Engineering Exceptional Early Career Teaching Award, the Ruth and Joel Spira Outstanding Teaching Award, Purdue Teaching for Tomorrow Fellow, among other awards.