Clinical Approach to Ocular Motility

Characteristics and Orthoptic Management of Strabismus

2nd Edition

Subjects: Medical, Ophthalmology
Paperback : 9781607854401, 167 pages, 6 x 9, October 2014
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In this, the 2ndedition of her original text on the theory, science, and treatment of common and uncommon disorders of the oculomotor system, Professor Ida Lucy Iacobucci, Certified Orthoptist, presents updated material on the many advances made in the field since her original text was first published in 1980.   This book is based on her lectures to Orthoptic and Ophthalmology students and it encompasses over 50 years of clinical and teaching experience.
Prof. Iacobucci describes a wide range of clinical tests to evaluate multiple categories of strabismus and provides a wealth of detail on the characteristics, management, and orthoptic treatment options for each.  The book is organized for quick and easy reference and is a valuable addition to required texts for students.